La plus belle maman du monde by Marianne Barcilon
Condition : good
Papoutsa en rêvait depuis longtemps, ça y est, aujourd'hui enfin, sa maman a accepté. Elle l'emmène au marché des mille marchands. Comme c'est grand, odorant et vivant ! On trouve de tout dans ce marché, mais soudain Papoutsa a perdu sa maman... Aidez-moi, les passants !
Papoutsa had dreamed of it for a long time, that's it, today finally, his mother accepted. She takes him to the market of a thousand merchants. How big, fragrant and alive it is! You can find everything in this market, but suddenly Papoutsa lost his mother... Help me, passers-by!
40 pages, Ecole des Loisirs, Paperback