Adrien le lapin by Antoon Krings

Adrien le lapin by Antoon Krings

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Ce jour-là, le soleil agita si vivement ses rayons que le jardin frémit de joie et en un instant ce fut le printemps. Un printemps gazouillant, bourdonnant où les fleurs se pressaient l'une contre l'autre en se poussant jalousement. Elles s'appelaient violette, bouton d'or, pâquerette, primevère, et Mireille, qui n'était pas une fleur mais une abeille fort laborieuse, entreprit de les compter toutes dès son réveil...


That day, the sun waved its rays so vividly that the garden quivered with joy and in an instant it was spring. A chirping, buzzing spring where the flowers pressed against each other, pushing each other jealously. They were called violet, buttercup, daisy, primrose, and Mireille, who was not a flower but a very industrious bee, began to count them all as soon as she woke up...


32 pages, Gallimard Jeunesse, Hardcover